Black Solid Trendline Bamboo Panel 40mm 1.8 mtr x 1.8 mtr

    Product Details

  • Product Code: Black Solid Trendline Bamboo Panel 40mm 1.8 mtr x 1.8 mtr
  • Availability: In Stock
This product has a minimum quantity of 10

Our Trendline bamboo fence panels are made from straightened 40mm diameter bamboo poles. These fences come in either a natural yellow or black color and are available in different sizes.

Long bamboo dowels connect the bamboo canes which makes this a very stable privacy fence. Multiple screens can be placed next to each other and the bottom or sides of these fences can be trimmed to fit any location.

The top is naturally closed to avoid potential moisture and dirt build up.

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Tags: indoor screeening

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